Boxplot: Severity-related Genes
Abscissa (X-axis):
This represents different patient groups based on the severity of their COVID-19 symptoms. For example, you might have groups for moderate (mh), severe (sh), and ICU (ih) patients.
Ordinate (Y-axis):
This represents the gene expression amount after scaling. Scaling gene expression data is often done to standardize measurements, making it easier to compare across different genes or conditions. The gene expression levels are typically represented in a log2 scale or as Z-scores, where a higher value indicates a higher expression level.
Boxes in the Boxplot:
Each box in the boxplot represents the interquartile range (IQR) of the gene expression values for a particular patient group. The line in the middle of the box is the median. The "whiskers" or lines extending from the box indicate variability outside the upper and lower quartiles.
Subtitles of the Graph:
Each graph is subtitled with a specific gene expression pattern, categorized into four types: upregulation with increasing severity, downregulation with increasing severity, initial downregulation followed by upregulation, and initial upregulation followed by downregulation as the severity of the disease progresses.