Drug_name_A: Name of Drug A.
Drug_Description_A: Detailed description of Drug A.
CID_A: Chemical Identifier (CID) for Drug A.
SMILES_A: SMILES notation for the chemical structure of Drug A.
Molecular_Formula_A: Molecular formula of Drug A.
Molecular_Weight_A: Molecular weight of Drug A.
InChIKey_A: InChIKey identifier for Drug A.
ATC_Classification_A: ATC classification (6-level) of Drug A.
ATC_3_A: ATC classification (3-level) of Drug A.
Alternative_Drug_A: Alternative drugs available for Drug A.
Note: Same applies for Drug B.
Interaction: Interaction between Drug A and Drug B.
Management: Measures to be taken when interaction occurs between the drugs.
References: References for the interaction.
Level: Severity level of interaction; ranked as Major, Moderate, Minor, or None if unknown.
Interaction_class: Type of interaction, mainly referenced from DDInter database .
data_sources: Sources of data, including DDInter database , RxNav database , and MecDDI .

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